
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Welcome to the Buesch Box

While the dust is still settling on this humble little slice of the interwebs, I figured I'd do my part and introduce myself and the purpose of this extension of my mind.

This is my start into another foray of fantastical online journeys. I've held regular ranting on both MySpace and Facebook for years. This time I'm going to work even farther to garner your attention with bringing more provocative and intense writings to your senses: All flippin' five of them.

Without giving away my plans for this rant box, I would like to supply you with this following statement. If by statement, I mean warning. Yes, that's right...warning. For a while now, I've held my tongue, albeit in cheek, because of family, race, creed, and innuendo for far too long. Creative juices are a lot like blood, spill a drop and vampires get thirsty. Let it flow, arterial style, and you've got more problems then vampires.

Now, I'm betting some of you are puzzled. Those of you that know me understand the nature of my obsession with metaphors. Some of you don't. Friends and family have come to expect me to act a certain way, or react to certain stimuli. This is my attempt at smashing those boundaries.

So what is the warning you ask. Simple. This is my domain. That is, whatever I say, do, comment, respond, post or create is an extension of my domain. I control it, I say what stays...I remove what goes. To quote Master Chief John Urgayle: "The ebb and flow of the Atlantic tides, the drift of the continents, the very position of the sun along its ecliptic. THESE are just a FEW of the things I control in my world! Is that clear?" Pretend that instead of the click of your mouse that brought you here, you galloped in on your trusty steed across my draw bridge over my moat. My world is yours to visit, but mine to change.

Boiling it down, the warning goes out to all those who come to judge. Don't. I only want open minded individuals to come visit this creation. Why? Simple. If I post something I find funny and you find offensive...I don't have to listen to you whine about it. If I'm in the mood for black jokes, you either laugh or GTFO. If I think a picture of nazis being burned suites my creativity lust, so be it. Nothing is too offensive, nor too provocative for this place. The other reasons is that I can't post these sorts of things on Facebook and MySpace.

What you get in return for being open minded? First and foremost, you will be entertained. I'm not going to Howard Stern shock jock you into mindlessness. No no, quite the contrary. You will be entertained: spiritually, emotionally, and literarily (if that even exists) I promise to have funnies, rants, and discourse. (provided it pertains to the issue and isn't stupid)

So if you like what you've read so far. If what I've promised you sounds exotic, enlightening, and explosive to your life commentating needs, please...take the red pill and join me in:

The Buesch Box.

~Warrior Poet


  1. Literarily: an adjective of, relating to, or having the characteristics of humane learning or literature; also, relating to authors or scholars and their professions. So yes, it exists.

    I'm ready.

  2. I think I just creamed my undies >:]

  3. Awesomeness. Can't wait to hear some uncensored shiz from my favorite metaphor king!

  4. Oh goody!! Finally sumthn worth getting on FB for :)

    Bless ya lol. <3

  5. Could you please define "open mindedness"? Far too often people use that term, but what they really mean is, "You must agree with me," which is, in fact, a complete contradiction to open-mindedness. Considering that you have the "my world, my rules" approach to your blog, would it be fair to say that you do not support open-mindedness, but actually prefer like-mindedness?

  6. Sure Josh,

    A while back, my parents were at a viewing for a recent death in the family. One of his cousins made a comment about me. She was saying that I was a "turd stirrer", My father didn't like it. I think he was embarrassed by it, and had some feeling of failure by being associated with it.

    Now, I know you're asking. Why does this have anything to do with open mindedness? Simple, I figured it a compliment. While I could truncate the "turd" part, I still think I'm a good stirrer. Think about it, I weave the various issues and ideas into making sense. Granted, I do take that to an extreme level. I think given with how fiesty I am and how I believe the world works, this is only natural. Some of these times though, that doesn't work with everyone.

    So you're probably that I prefer like-minded people. However, I'll always have the door open for anyone who wants to celebrate something different.

    The "my world, my rules" bit was for those who come on and complain about something that I think is funny. I guess that's more like-mindedness vs. Open, but the idea is that I'm not going to change my mind on what is or isn't funny. I will, as previously mentioned allow someone to challenge it, but they need to do it in capturing and appealing way. Not just "I'm appalled you would find this funny blah blah blah."

    Make sense?

